On Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 10.00 AM, on West Jakarta City Administration Secretary Meeting Room West Jakarta City Administration Mayor's Office, Block A 2nd Floor, According to the direction of Mr. Ilham to attend a meeting regarding land acquisition Jembatan Besi Village which has been monitored on October 1 therefore, this is a continuation, namely the Exposure Meeting on Assessment Results Office of Public Appraisal Service Office of the Head of Jembatan Besi Village. The meeting was attended by 13 people, led by the Head of the Government at the West Jakarta Mayor’s Office.
This meeting contains improvements that must be changed by the KJPP, which include changes to the legal basis that has been used, namely Presidential Regulation Number 71 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Land Procurement for Public Interest (Small Scale) because the regulation has been abolished, then from that it is expected to be replaced with new regulations that are available. In addition, the writing of the legal basis should be adjusted to the basic rules or rules, which are ordered from higher rules.
There is another thing regarding the presentation that has been shown, there is article 126 which is not quoted in its entirety, therefore the chairman of the meeting asked the KJPP to add one more article under it, namely article 127 which is considered very important in this assessment process. In addition, the calculation of land acquisition is seen from 3 (three) important values, namely transaction taxes, notary fees, and compensation for a waiting period of 3 months because there are no businesses, buildings, etc. on the land being sold, so the calculation is only seen of the 3 values above.
In closing, in carrying out this land acquisition, there are 2 lands that are the focus of the purchase, namely the land area measuring 48 square meters and 84 square meters, of which the size 84 is located in the village area, while the size 48 is outside the village and is located in the sub district area. in the alley. Therefore, based on the results of research conducted by the Office of Public Appraisal Services (KJPP) that the price specified in the land acquisition is Rp. 2,313,902,000.00. Given the difference between the land area, it is hoped that KJPP will be able to consider answers that can be conveyed properly if there are questions from the Financial Audit Agency (BPK).
Writer: Fannie Angelie, Student of LSPR Communication & Business Institu
Jakarta, October 12, 202
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